
We are happy & grateful to have connected with you! Please share this blog with members of your family and visit often!

Feel free to submit your contact info in our "Address Collection" area so you can be up to date on our e-newsletters.
We'd love to feature your family in the "Family Website" section, or in a post.

Please contact us if you are interested in being an author or if you just want to submit pictures & post ideas.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Stayin' Alive

We did it! The Peel family organization is not dead ~ but reawakened and full of life.

YOU give it life when you respond to requests for contact information,
when you share your Peel Newsletter with your family, when you call a sibling, a cousin or a nephew and tell them they've just got to see this new Family Blog!

YOU bring it to life when you pull out forgotten old photos and retrieve memories that live a-fresh posted on this blog. YOU inject energy when you offer a current glimpse of your 2008 world; the grandchildren playing in the sprinkler, the college graduate, the toddler who decided to dump a bag of flour, the picnic in the canyon . . .

YOU physically animate this effort when you send a donation, or call your local Reunion Chairman and offer your help for the big day. YOU create the gift of curiosity in children and grandchildren when you talk about who their "people" are, and open one of our new Peel history books to point out the names, pictures and stories of those gone before.

YOU can explore together a watercolor-illustrated card set designed to teach your children about their own family history in a creative and easily interpreted way!

Peel history coloring pages are an additional support to moms and dads who want to add to the great, vintage photographs they might download here, or purchase ready to frame at the reunions.

YOU feel the power of that tangible connection through time and space as we become acquainted with the personal sacrifices and toils they experienced.

YOU may feel the generosity of spirit to pray for our family members who serve our country here, and on dangerous ground. Because of our newly re-organized family effort, we now can know about them, and send an encouraging thought to their families left behind.

YOU are part of this wonderful, living thing. This is where you belong.

~ Cindi Tanner (LOD: Bob Rose, Zona Peel)


Jeff and Kathy said...

Cindi, you are awesome!!! This is a wonderfully beautiful blog. I've not seen a blog that can be contributed to by others. It's so neat.
Keep up the good work. The Utah gang will be adding some reunion pictures after our August get together.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! And Oh NO! Our very FIRST blog comment -(hurray!) - but it's WITHOUT the Line of Descent! The afore-mentioned (and very welcome) comment was posted by:

Jeff & Kathy Ivins (LOD:Virginia Ivins, Almira Peel)

Family lines guess work performed by The Powers that Be

Marolyn Rose D said...

Dear Cindi,
It was sooooo good talking with you the last couple of weeks. I'm so happy you are my cousin. I feel so blessed to be born into the Rose family....
I wish we live even closer, so we could see each other once in a while!
We are all doing okay here in PA.