California Peels found each other at beautiful Rancho Cucamonga recently, and it was a balloon-popping, puddle-making, picnic-eating success! With about 50 in attendance, Cousin Lorie Atherton (LOD: Bill Peel, Art Peel) had big shoes to fill ~ but she and her fab crew definitely made Grandpa proud! They stepped up in the Art Peel tradition and created a great family event not soon forgotten.
The Vulcan adage "live long and prosper" was almost expertly administered by this cutie-patootie:
Cross-generational bonding was amply evidenced here:
and here:
Picnic feasting and a sizzling Hot Wheel time was Triple the fun with these little guys:
Apparently as long as cold punch was in hand, rapt attention to the adult meeting portion of the day was legitimate and truly awesome:
Kudos to Cousin Pam Rose (LOD: Joe Rose, Zona Peel) for the action photos! She assisted professional photographer Don Atherton (Lorie's squeeze). Watch for his work to be displayed soon!
ARIZONA ~ look out! The Peel tradition of exciting get-togethers is taking aim at you!